
30 December 2007

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Sicilian Wine Tasting

For decades now, Sicilian wines have been known and appreciated throughout the world: from sweets such as Marsala, Moscato, to whites, such as Bianco d'Alcamo, to reds, such as Nero d'Avola. In recent years production has increased and has even reached levels of


very high quality. There are many Sicilian wines with great international recognition. The Regional Institute of Vine and Wine has launched numerous initiatives for the international promotion of Sicilian wines, organizing a busy calendar of meetings dedicated to sector technicians and journalists.

New York will be the showcase of the next event on September 12, 2011. The tasting of Sicilian wines will be preceded by a training seminar on communication and commerce, held by Robert Camuto.
The meeting in London will follow on 28 September, which will be the first tasting dedicated exclusively to Sicilian wines. The event is organized by Hunt & Coady Ltd on behalf of the Regional Institute of Vine and Wine.
On 26 October Sicily will move towards Moscow, where until 29 October it will be possible for sector technicians and journalists to taste Sicilian wines.

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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