
20 November 2015

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Sicilian oil brand, the commitment of politics

olio_arsOil, olive growing, quality, market, research, innovation, health, territory, are just some of the themes that characterized the intense and participatory day of work on Sicilian extra virgin olive oil. A conference entitled "Extra virgin olive oil: health and wealth" organized by IRVO and which was held in the yellow room of the Sicilian Regional Assembly.

“A great moment of discussion on the much that needs to be done for the qualification of the Sicilian olive oil supply chain. – commented the director of the organization Lucio Monte, enthusiastic about the success – IRVO intends to give its contribution of professionalism to all operators who choose quality”.

The debate, moderated by the journalist and writer and oleologist Luigi Caricato, was attended by various professionals from entities such as CNR, Corissia, Universities, sector associations, Arnas Civico, oil companies. On the table are the merits and deficits of a sector that needs teamwork between the various skills to take off, including those of politics, as underlined by Manfredi Barbera, CEO of Premiati Oleifici Barbera. “I will implement every initiative useful for the recognition of the Sicilian PGI oil - was the response of the regional councilor for Agriculture and Fisheries, Antonello Cracolici, who took office only 15 days ago and was present at the conference - a brand that coincides with the our territorial identity and which is able to enhance the quality and specificity of our product. The recognition would certainly represent support for one of our excellent productions, which must be supported on national and international markets. In the next few days I will be in Brussels to work on this path." And it was from Brussels that Michela Giuffrida was one of the participants in the debate: “We are doing everything we can to ensure that the European Commission, which was about to reject the request for recognition made by Sicily, retraces its steps. Fortunately, the oil sector is also experiencing a period of extraordinary attention in Sicily – underlines Giuffrida: on the one hand the recognition of an excellence which is demonstrated by the ever-increasing number of prizes that the island's oils win in international contexts, on the other the very recent supply chain agreement which rewards producers of high quality extra virgin olive oil with an extra price. Without forgetting that the start of the project that the PSR in the home stretch represents will be crucial for the future of the sector. It is necessary and urgent - concludes Giuffrida - to define common strategic choices for Sicilian olive growing with as its primary objective the innovation tool that leads to the rationalization of the production phase with the reduction of production costs. We need to build effective synergies between marketing, corporate and territorial entities, in constant comparison with European competitors and in continuous dialogue between Brussels and Sicily". Therefore, strengthening the supply chain "also from a tourism perspective", underlined the vice-president of ARS Giuseppe Lupo who opened the proceedings, as well as, returning to the IGP brand, "enhancing our oil through it - added Maurizio Lunetta, president of the OEVO PGI Sicilia promoting committee - in order to also enhance our olive growing history. There are 7 Sicilian varieties from which the 80% of the production is obtained. But there are as many as 20 more." Therefore, taking back the reins of a sector "which unfortunately has seen abandonment in recent years - underlined the president of ASSIVOB, Alfonso Failla - because marketing has become increasingly difficult". In this analysis framework, the "good proposals" emerged, including those of an international olive oil competition to be held in May at the La Zagarella hotel: "The intent of the competition - explain Stefania Leggio and Antonio Celauro – it is the recovery of a gap, which existed until now, to valorise quality oil coming from all over the world”. And that of a new degree course, at the University of Palermo, illustrated by the professor of Agriculture Paolo Inglese on food and wine sciences. A course that will focus on field work. “Oil is the flag of this land – said Pino Gullo of Lega Coop Sicilia – we must reduce production costs because otherwise it remains confined to starred restaurants”. In short, a place of honor as stated by Francesco Calandra of the Agricultural Development Agency.


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