17 April 2024
IRVO talks about the wine and olive oil tradition of the island in Verona on the occasion of VINITALY and SOL
Many events: from sparkling wines to Sicilian organic wines, from the "heroic" viticulture of small islands and mountains to the most prestigious Sicilian DOCs
The 56th edition of Vinitaly turns the lights on sparkling wines And organic wines of Sicily.
Two valuable niches of Sicilian wine production which will be at the center of two comparison and tasting events during the Verona event from 14 April to 17 April.
Insights into wine in the Meeting Hall of the Sicily Pavilion
The first meeting delved deeper “Sicilian sparkling wines, today and tomorrow” with a tasting led by journalist Andrea Zanfi, supported by Gaetano Aprile, Director of IRVO and Antonio Sparacio, IRVO manager.
«For years we have talked about Sicily only as a land of excellent still white, red and fortified wines, which is absolutely valid; however there is much more to discover and taste and Sicilian sparkling wines are giving us satisfaction in this sense. At Vinitaly - explains Gaetano Aprile, director of IRVO - we will present research that demonstrates what the future prospects of sparkling wine could be in Sicily which boasts ancient traditions (already at the end of the 19th century sparkling wines were produced on Etna) and which has been growing in recent years , with an ever-increasing number of companies attempting this production, often with excellent results."
The second focus was dedicated to “Sicilian organic wines, Italian record”. Participants are Gaetano Aprile, IRVO Director, Leonardo Taschetta, president of the Colomba Bianca winery, Lillo Alaimo Di Loro, president of Italia Bio, Dario Cartabellotta, General Director of the Regional Agriculture Department. This will be followed by a tasting guided by Gianni Giardina, IRVO winemaker.
«It is a great satisfaction to be able to talk about the excellence of Sicilian organic wines on a national stage like that of Verona – explains the Councilor for Agriculture Luca Sammartino -. Sicily is the first Italian region for the production of organic wine and this is a record that strengthens us in the belief of further growing Sicilian viticulture."
Sicilian oil, a great protagonist in Verona
The Sol area dedicated to extra virgin olive oils will welcome 25 Sicilian oil companies during the days of the event, which will represent Sicilian olive growing. «As the data from the certifications that we manage as IRVO show – explains Michele Riccobono, responsible for the Sicily Area at SOL in Verona for IRVO – the PGI “Sicilia” oil is going through a period of intense growth». During the event there will be several tasting and in-depth moments dedicated to Sicilian extra virgin olive oil, with a focus on monovarietals, organic oils, the “Sicilia” PGI and the “Monti Iblei” PDO.
Five appointments at “Vinitaly and the City”
IRVO was also present at the “Vinitaly and the City” event, the Vinitaly off-show: four days of tastings, meetings and events in the heart of Verona, a UNESCO world heritage city.
Five events dedicated to the trip to Sicily, including stories and tastings: on the second and third days of the event, two Wine Speech will take fans into the world of Sicilian sparkling wines he was born in Marsala DOC, followed by a Wine Talk on the "Sicilian heroic viticulture”. The fourth day will be dedicated to Wine Talk on the wines ofEtna DOC and to Masterclasses “Enological Sicily, Wines & Territories”, to taste, together with industry experts, a range of quality Sicilian wine proposals.
Sissi Baratella, oenologist, writer and communicator specialized in the sector will accompany the audience of "Vinitaly and the City" in the five unmissable events.
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News 9 January 2025
Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027
Public consultation for the purpose of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPCT) 2025/2027 In order to allow maximum involvement in the preparation of the update of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil for the three-year period 2025/2027, all those who are interested are invited - in particular citizens, companies, consumer associations, representative trade unions, other entities operating in the territory representing particular interests - to send observations and/or proposals to the Person in Charge of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT), which will be evaluated when drafting the document.