Application of community and national regulations regarding the certification and control of PDO/PGI oils.

Control body secretariat.

Management of the certification process of DOP/PGI oils.

Accreditation of the Oil Control and Certification Body.

Protection of data of interested parties according to current legislation.

Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of regional, national and international olive and oil data.

Information and consultancy to companies on regional, national and community legislation in the sector.

Collaboration with MIPAAF and the Region for legislative and implementation proposals for the olive oil sector.

Collaboration with protection consortia and promoting committees on proposals for the recognition or modification of specifications.

Head of OU Dr. Michele Riccobono tel 091 6278208 email [email protected]

Assigned personnel:

dr. Giancarlo Gualato Management officer D6

Winemaker Giovanni Palermo Managerial officer D5

Winemaker Dr. Leo Prinzivalli – also wine CB inspections – D6 management officer

Oenologist Giacomo Manzo Managerial officer D5 - Marsala headquarters

Mr. Sandro Alletto Directing Instructor (C8)

Mr. Giuseppe Melia (Resais) – Alcamo headquarters

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